Are you ready to discover the "inside secrets" from a government tax attorney?

Join Tax Law Made Easy and learn to use tax laws to:

  • Make your gifts and talents more visible!

  • Help you grow and scale your business so you can help more people!

  • Give you the confidence to make better business decisions!

  • Gain peace of mind that you are saving taxes ... and doing so safely and legally!


A New Breed Of Tax Lawyer

I'm Ian Foster, and for 18 years I was a government tax attorney. Now my passion is helping small business owners save money, reduce audit risk, and use the tax laws to make their businesses more visible so they can serve a wider audience.

Instead of waiting until you get in tax trouble (then charging you a ton of money to limit the damage), I created this program to pass along my "inside knowledge" and proactively empower you to make safe and tax-saving business decisions for yourself!



In this unique program, you will:

  • Find your power to make confident business decisions that maximize your tax savings and minimize your audit risk.
  • Discover how tax laws work so you can find creative and legal solutions for any potential tax challenge!
  • Learn to SAVE MONEY by making your heart-centered business a tax-planning tool!
  • Clear your anxiety and fear around the subject by learning the inside secrets from a real government tax attorney!
  • Gain confidence to stand in your POWER when dealing with tax advisors ... remember, THEY WORK FOR YOU!
  • RELAX and SLEEP WELL AT NIGHT because you know you are saving money AND doing it safely and legally because you've learned the rules from someone with inside knowledge!



 Upon purchase, you get INSTANT ACCESS to 19+ videos that are organized into bite-sized chunks that you can digest quickly and understand easily. The videos discuss how to ensure you are paying no more than you owe, while doing it safely and ethically.

For over 10 years I have been teaching taxes to both novices and experts. I have plenty of experience making tax concepts fun and interesting to learn. So I have created content that is easy to understand for beginners while still providing plenty of juicy morsels for tax veterans!


How the tax system works -- I have seen no other training programs for business owners that teach how our tax system fundamentally works. This will remove the mystery and empower you to make confident decisions ... and even put you a step ahead of many tax professionals!

What is income? -- this seems like a simple question, but it's more subtle than you realizes. And, all too often, tax training programs skip this question entirely to focus on deductions. But the first step toward using taxes as an empowering tool and reducing your audit risk is properly understanding the concept of income.

Not all personal deductions are made equal! -- many people don't realize there are different classes of personal deductions with different rules on how to can claim them. Learn how these work so you can save money without increasing your audit risk!

The all-important rules for business deductions -- few business owners actually understand how business deductions work, instead opting to use checklists. This is causing some people to pay too much in tax, while others increase their audit risk. Discover how your business creates opportunities for tax savings and risk-reduction!

 Capital assets and capital gains -- did you know there's actually no such thing as a "capital gains tax"? It's a common misnomer! Knowing how the tax law actually treats your capital assets and capital gains can save you money and keep you out of trouble.

How different business entities are treated for tax purposes -- learn what makes corporations, LLCs, and other entities different so you can choose the right one for your business and put yourself in the strongest tax situation. Learn 

 Qualified Business Income Deduction -- the "QBID" is a hot topic right now, especially among heart-centered business owners. It's a chance for you to use new laws to gain even more tax savings and keep your heard-earned money!

Tax preparation and filing -- you'll learn about tax preparation, filing, and even how to handle a tax audit ... from an actual government tax attorney! My years of government experience allow me to "pull back the curtain" on the audit process so you can learn how to handle and audit like I do ... with confidence and ease!


Along with the videos, you get material to make sure the information sinks in and help you start implementing what you are learning right away. The worksheets are designed to complement the videos and calls and reinforce what you are learning; they get you thinking about the information in a practical way and help you create easy action steps so you can actually set things up the right way!


Beginning early September 2021, we'll have weekly Q&A calls. The exact days and times are TBA, but there will be at least six live Q&A calls taught through September and early October.

I don't just throw you in the "deep end" of knowledge and leave you to sink or swim. I jump in there with you, staying on the calls as long as it takes to answer your questions.

I am dedicated to making sure you learn what you need and take action to get the savings you deserve.

Scroll down for testimonials and FAQs ...

... or click the button to sign up now!


"I just started studying Tax Law Made Easy and Ian is a fantastic teacher. I am already feeling myself become free of the fear of making more money because I didn't know how to handle taxes or how to find someone trustworthy to help. I started to relax about not knowing taxes, which was holding me back. If you haven't taken this course, I highly recommend it!!"

Elaine from North Carolina

"Tax Law Made Easy was so well done! Ian’s presentation is well organized and balanced, with the content delivered in bite-sized chunks that are easy to understand. As a bookkeeper who helps clients with complex business operations, I already know a thing or two about taxes. But this course expanded my knowledge and gave me a deeper understanding of the subject. Ian also gave me the verbiage I need to talk about taxes and help my clients with confidence."

Sarah from Tennessee

"I love your tax law class. I have learned SO MUCH and have more clarity now on how to prepare for tax time. Thank you!"

Terri from California

"Love the program! You make a challenging subject really easy to understand and all the examples make it easier to grasp new concepts. This program is definitely worth it! I know a lot already about taxes but I learned so much and Ian makes it so easy no matter what level of knowledge one has."

Connie from Vermont

Frequently Asked Questions

This group program is designed to empower the following sorts of people:

  • Life Coaches of all niches, including relationships, transformation, health, and more!
  • Spiritual and Alternative Healers and Body-Workers
  • Yoga Instructors
  • Licensed Professionals like therapists, doctors, chiropractors, and more!
  • Heart-centered and mission-driving entrepreneurs of all sorts
  • Accountants and bookkeepers who want to learn some deeper fundamentals about the tax laws from a government "insider"

Basically, if you are a heart-centered business owner or transformational change-maker who: (a) wants to learn to save money, (b) learn how to do it with confidence and integrity, (c) is willing to have myths busted, and (d) wants to set goals and achieve them ... then this program is for you!

If you are unwilling to take the legal and tax side of your business seriously, or if you would rather keep your head in the sand, then this program is not for you.

If you are unwilling to take action, or unwilling to listen to uncomfortable truths, then this program is not for you.

If you are fine staying in a disempowered state and blindly trusting others, then this program is not for you.

No, this is not a tax preparation course.

The problem I see is not that people are incapable of reading forms or instructions, or that they can't find people to fill out forms for them.

The real problem is a lack of empowered knowledge and confidence. That is leading to poor decisions, increased risk, lost opportunities, and wasting money by paying too much in taxes.

That's why this program is about education and empowerment ... gaining knowledge you need to make good decisions with confidence.

Plus, the forms you fill out are only as good as the decisions you've been making all year long.

You may be happy with your current tax preparer, and they may even be doing a good job. There's nothing wrong with that.

But your tax preparer can only file your taxes based upon the results of decisions you've been making all year long. In other words ... they can only use the tools you give them.

Literally every business decision you make has tax consequences ... each decision can save or cost you money, or raise or lower your risk of getting in trouble. This course will empower you to make those daily decisions with confidence to maximize savings and reduce risk.

That will also empower your tax preparer to file your taxes in a way that puts you in the best tax position possible.

It's no secret that tax laws are different around the world. Your instructor was a government tax attorney in the United States, so that's the system he knows best. Thus, this program provides the most value to people who file tax returns in the U.S.

Canadians have also taken this program and found a lot of value since the tax systems are pretty similar.

If you don't file in the U.S. or Canada, but you do have to comply with a net income tax, then you will find some value in the course, but you'll find it's not as focused on your specific issues.

This program is most focused on the U.S. federal income tax system, so no matter where you live in the U.S., you'll find it empowering and valuable.


I am not interested in teaching you how to cheat the system or avoid taxes through abusive means that will only get you in trouble and cost you money in penalties.

We'll learn how the tax system works and how it benefits business owners like you so that you can save money through legal tax planning.

But keep in mind that we cannot promise you will achieve any specific tax savings. Whether you will save taxes depends on numerous factors that are outside of our control.

The Q&A calls typically last about two hours. But on most days there is no hard ending time and we stay on as long as it takes to answer everyone's questions. You will get access to at least six live Q&A calls. We sometimes schedule an additional bonus call if we find there is a module which generates a lot of questions or to help people who can't make it to the regularly scheduled calls.

The calls are recorded and the recordings usually are posted within 24 hours of the call.

The calls typically involve some teaching on that week's topic plus lots of time answering questions in real time. People also submit questions by email when they know they can't attend the call and the questions are then answered at the beginning of the call for everyone's benefit.

The short answer is: I am not putting on this course in order to become your tax preparer.

It is true, I am a licensed attorney and I have an active Tax Preparer Identification Number (TPIN). And, if you really want to pay me to fill out your tax forms, I will be glad do that.

But, honestly, that may not be the best use of your money or my time. And it's not the point of this program. I want to empower you, not do things for you.

By the end of this course, you may find that you can do your own taxes simply by reading the instructions on the forms, because you will understand the greater context into which those forms fit. Or you'll be equipped with the knowledge to choose a good accountant who can prepare your taxes and who actually looks out for your best interest.

Your purchase entitles you to lifetime access to:

  • The video content modules;
  • The worksheets that go with the modules;
  • The recordings of the Q&A calls conducted during the six-week program run; and
  • The Facebook group.

You get access to join the Q&A calls live only during the five-week run of the program.

At the end of the program you will be presented with an opportunity to obtain ongoing access to the live Q&A calls for an additional time period if that's what you need.


Six-Payment Plan

Get instant access to course material for as little as $197 today, plus five more payments of $197. Feel empowered with the lowest up-front payment!


Three-Payment Plan

Get started today and save money by making three payments of $377. Let's begin your journey to tax empowerment and saving taxes legally and ethically!


One Low Payment

Save the most money by enrolling for one low payment of $997. Join this amazing community and learn to use the tax laws to grow and scale a visible business!



* Nothing on this page is, or is intended to be, legal services or advice. Likewise, Tax Law Made Easy is not intended to be legal services or advice. If you require legal services or advice, please contact a licensed attorney, or ask us for a free referral.

* The tax laws are complicated and fact-specific. Thus, we cannot promise you will achieve any specific amount of tax savings or avoid any audit or penalties. You must take responsibility for your own outcomes.


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