Brain Entrainment Stress Relief Single Delta Track

$9.97 USD

Act now to begin reducing your stress and getting better sleep!

What you'll get:

  • 1 Sleepytime Delta audio track

Remember, you have the option of purchasing this single track for $9.97, or you can return to the previous page and purchase the package of six mp3's (which includes this Sleepytime Delta track) for only $26.97.

Either way, we believe you will enjoy your product :)

* Do not use the Sleepytime Delta audio track while driving, operating machinery, or engaging in any other activity which requires your focus to be safe.

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By purchasing this offer, you acknowledge, understand, and agree to the following:

  • Some meditation mp3's may not be suitable for use while driving, operating machinery, or performing any other activity which requires your focus or attention.
  • You will not listen to your meditation mp3 while driving or operating machinery, because doing so can be dangerous. The track you are purchasing is designed to induce delta brainwaves, and thus you will use it ONLY when you are able and willing to fall asleep.
  • You are responsible for the meditation mp3 you are purchasing and you promise that you will take all reasonable care when using it. You further promise that you will not misuse it or allow any other person to misuse it.
  • Personal Empowerment Services, LLC, including its owners, agents, employees, and assigns (hereinafter "PES LLC") will not be liable for any damage, loss, or harm of any kind which you may suffer or cause as a direct or indirect result of your (or any other person's) use or misuse the meditation mp3 you are purchasing.
  • You will indemnify PES LLC against any and all liability for any damage, loss, or harm which any other party may suffer as a result of your (or any other person's) use or misuse of the meditation mp3 you are purchasing.
  • The claimed benefits of this meditation mp3 have not been reviewed by any independent organization or government entity, and PES LLC cannot make any promises or guarantees about any outcome you might experience. You will do your own research on the risks and benefits of brain entrainment technology and various brainwave states.
  • You will not hold PES LLC liable for the failure to achieve any benefits you expect from this meditation mp3.
  • PES LLC does not give medical treatment or advice, and this meditation mp3 is not a substitute for medical treatment or advice. If you required medical treatment or advice, you will seek the services of a licensed physician.